Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Imagining Better Images, Part II

In my last entry, I described a strategy for helping students and teachers rethink their mental models, or images about children, families, and themselves. Here are examples of two reinforcing loops: one negative and one positive. Notice how the initial belief influences expectations, behaviors, and outcomes. If we proceed as if we believe the positive image (even if we do not), we can influence the loop to create more positive outcomes.

Sample Negative Reinforcing Loop about Parents/Families

Sample Positive Reinforcing Loop about Parents/Families

Sit down with a group of students or colleagues and write a positive Image of the Child, then create a positive loop. Use the sample as a guide. You can repeat the process with the Image of the Teacher. I think it is worth the time it takes to imagine better images.

Do you want to find out more about working with others to improve policies and practice?

Read The World Cafe: Shaping Our futures Through Conversations That Matter, J. Brown and D. Isaacs. BK Books, 2005.

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